Get rating for your ICO 2018-07-26T23:25:39+00:00

Submit your ICO

Welcome to the ASIA No.1 ICO Analysis Lab, CRYPTOPICK.
Submit the form get your pre-ICO or ICO published on the CRYPTOPICK.
It might take several days for your ICO to be published.

Select Listing Option

Project Name

Select Category

Website URL

Submit your logo file

Submit your icon file

Description for ICO

Social media links

Country of operation

(pre)ICO start date

(pre)ICO end date

Link to whitepaper

Link to bounty

Link to MVP/Prototype

Token name / Ticker

Platform and Token Type (e.g. Ethereum, ERC20)

Price per token (e.g. 1 CRP = 0.01 ETH)


Additional information

Your e-mail adress

I am the official representative of this ICO project and I give full permission to use all the needed data from all of our resources (website, white paper, social networks, images, etc.) for the listing on CryptoPick. I have read and agree with Terms and Conditions presented in the site of CryptoPick. I have agree with all assessment of CrpytoPick over the submitted ICO. I am aware that if my ICO is declined by any assessment procedure, I will not object to the result.